Oils & Cerates

Oils & Cerates

A fantastic sensory experience with their delicate textures
the oils and cerates are the modern version of
traditional pharmacopeia.

    • Abriciol

      Pommade universelle
      Universal ointment

      Formula with over 99% natural origin  The Abriciol is Joëlle Ciocco’s first product, created in 1989. It is the result of extensive experience in her quest for skincare needs. «Let’s imagine two glasses of water placed in the desert; the surface of one of these glasses has an oil film.…


      Sérum stimulateur
      Stimulating serum

      Formula with 100% natural origin  Whether oily or dry, the skin eliminates toxins daily. Their accumulation can lead to various sensitivities such as dryness, redness, and imperfections. Assisting this natural mechanism is the key to good skin breathing.  Created from experience, the Divine Elixir serum is a prodigious stimulating cocktail,…

    • Précieux Cérat

      Cire extraordinaire
      Extraordinary wax

      Formula with over 99% natural origin A reference for nourishing the skin and facing environmental challenges that disrupt your natural protection. It’s a timeless classic for the whole family, for all world travelers, for athletes, and for all climates! Moreover, it adapts to all vulnerable skin types.  Highly utilized in…

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    Cher.e ami.e,

    C’est avec une immense gratitude que je m’adresse à vous.
    Votre confiance et votre patience durant cette période ont été le phare qui a guidé notre équipe à travers ce moment de renaissance.
    Votre soutien indéfectible m'a insufflée courage et force dans ce défi de réouverture.

    Maintenant, vous pouvez retrouver 13 de nos produits ici-même ou au centre de soins Joëlle Ciocco Paris.

    Nous sommes à l'œuvre, avec passion et l’honneur d'être à votre service, pour vous présenter dans les mois à venir, notre gamme complète de soins. Chaque formule a été réalisée avec une attention méticuleuse pour assurer vos attentes, tout en respectant notre engagement envers l’excellence et la qualité.

    Nous vous invitons à (re)découvrir nos classiques et à rester connecté pour les lancements à venir.

    Merci encore, du fond du cœur,

    Joëlle Ciocco



    Dear friend,

    It is with immense gratitude that I address you.
    Your trust and patience during this period have been the beacon that guided our team through this moment of rebirth.
    Your unwavering support has given me courage and strength in the challenge of reopening.
    Now, you can find 13 of our products here or at the Joëlle Ciocco Paris care center.

    We are at work, with passion and the honor of serving you, to present you in the coming months, our complete range of care. Each formula has been made with meticulous attention to ensure your expectations are met while respecting our commitment to excellence and quality.

    We invite you to (re)discover our classics and to stay connected for upcoming launches.

    Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart,

    Joëlle Ciocco