Every day, Joëlle Ciocco
and her team welcome you to the
8, Place de la Madeleine in Paris to dress up your skins


Opening hours:
From Monday to Thursday – 9:30 a.m to 6:30 p.m
and Friday – 9:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m

To take an appointment by phone:
+33 (0) 1 42 60 58 80

Joëlle Ciocco’s treatments start by a specific cleansing and is followed by a mask adapted to your skin ecosystem.

(Apart from La Consultation)

La Consultation

La Consultation is a private and learning moment between the Epidermologist® and you to understand the genesis of your face.


Before La Consultation, a survey is made to inform the Epidermologist® about intrinsic and extrinsic factors of your life. This valuable information allow a thorough investigation of your habits and lifestyles in order to trace the history of your skin membrane.

A dialogue of common sense followed by a meticulous analysis that allows to establish your skin identity card, in order to correct inappropriate gestures that disturb it more than they balance it.

At the end of La Consultation, the Epidermologist® delivers a personalised protocol for your face to restore its natural shield and its vitality.

We advise La Consultation four times a year since your ecosystem depends on seasons, different climates and each one’s lifestyle.


1 hour:
with Joëlle Ciocco
130€ with our Epidermologists®
110€ by Skype with our Epidermologists®

Le Grand Soin

Le Grand Soin is a resetting treatment that aims at restoring all the logic and motor functions of your skin membrane because of bad habits and risky mixtures of cosmetics.


After requesting essential information to understand your ecosystem, the Epidermologist® will meticulously work with your skin. In her hands, your face gives up past mistakes, forgets certain traumas and prepares for a renewal.

The Epidermologist® finds in her treasures of youth, the massage techniques and the plant extracts adapted to the individual vitality of your face so that it recovers its balance.

In the action of the treatment, the deficiencies and needs of your membrane skin are revealed to the Epidermologist® through her touch and look. Then, the therapist could identify them and personalise your treatment.

At the end of Le Grand Soin, an individual and custom-made protocol is issued, prescribing the essential products and their right use to extend the beauty treatment of your youthful skin.

We advise Le Grand Soin four times a year since your ecosystem depends on seasons, different climates and each one’s lifestyle.


About 1 hour 30:
with Joëlle Ciocco
720€ with our Epidermologists®

The Antipollution Treatment

The Antipollution Treatment is a targeted treatment part of Le Grand Soin. This custom-made treatment focuses
on a specific problem of the skin membrane.


The Epidermologist® can see a major deficiency that she cures by depollution, extractions or nutrition.

This treatment provides visible, deep and essential energy that maintains the natural defenses of your eco-system against time!

This treatment is the perfect introduction to discover Joëlle Ciocco’s philosophy and her logic of the skin membrane.

The Antipollution Treatment is recommended once a month and as many times as your face requires it!


1 hour 1/4
410€ with our Epidermologists®

The Sculpture Massage

The Sculpture Massage is a deep facial massage practised by the Epidermologist’s® hands on every muscle of your face.


The Sculpture Massage is a deep facial massage practised by the Epidermologist’s® hands on every muscle of your face. The therapist through her look and touch identifies the weakened areas and the signs of ageing and uses her fingers to stimulate and restore the muscle tone and curve of your face.

This treatment consists in two parts: the first one is an adapted oxygenation of your skin and the second one is a massage according to your facial tone.

Your face immediately develops a muscle mass that sculpts its contours and reliefs.

The Sculpture Massage is recommended once a week for 5 weeks during treatment and then once a month for care.


1 hour:
with Joëlle Ciocco
275€ with our Epidermologists®

The Buccal Massage

The Buccal Massage is a double internal and external massage of the lower muscles and contours of your face to give a lift effect.


The Epidermologist’s® fingers are positioned on strategic areas to give a lift effect thanks to the natural action of collagen and elastin.The rhythm of her hands also allows the drainage of toxins to reveal the freshness of your skin.

The Buccal Massage is recommended once a week for five weeks during treatment and then once a month for care.


1 hour:
780€ with Joëlle Ciocco
285€ with our Epidermologists®

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Cher.e ami.e,

C’est avec une immense gratitude que je m’adresse à vous.
Votre confiance et votre patience durant cette période ont été le phare qui a guidé notre équipe à travers ce moment de renaissance.
Votre soutien indéfectible m'a insufflée courage et force dans ce défi de réouverture.

Maintenant, vous pouvez retrouver 13 de nos produits ici-même ou au centre de soins Joëlle Ciocco Paris.

Nous sommes à l'œuvre, avec passion et l’honneur d'être à votre service, pour vous présenter dans les mois à venir, notre gamme complète de soins. Chaque formule a été réalisée avec une attention méticuleuse pour assurer vos attentes, tout en respectant notre engagement envers l’excellence et la qualité.

Nous vous invitons à (re)découvrir nos classiques et à rester connecté pour les lancements à venir.

Merci encore, du fond du cœur,

Joëlle Ciocco



Dear friend,

It is with immense gratitude that I address you.
Your trust and patience during this period have been the beacon that guided our team through this moment of rebirth.
Your unwavering support has given me courage and strength in the challenge of reopening.
Now, you can find 13 of our products here or at the Joëlle Ciocco Paris care center.

We are at work, with passion and the honor of serving you, to present you in the coming months, our complete range of care. Each formula has been made with meticulous attention to ensure your expectations are met while respecting our commitment to excellence and quality.

We invite you to (re)discover our classics and to stay connected for upcoming launches.

Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart,

Joëlle Ciocco